
By Angela Duckworth
Grit talks about the psychology of success – what psychological traits make successful people successful – and posits that grit (which is a combination of passion and perseverance) plays a larger role in determining success than “innate” factors such as talent.
Written by a psychologist, I especially like the fact that it makes use of science/research backed arguments to drive home its points. It also contains practical steps on what you can do right away to be grittier, and hence improve your chances of success.
Get the book on Amazon, e-book on Kindle and audiobook at audible. Also check out the author’s website.

By Arese Ugwu
Smart money woman is a story of a young woman’s journey to financial independence. It follows a group of four friends, each in different stages of life financially, and especially highlights how financial habits, and not just income, are what determine your financial health.
Arese does a great job of using a fictional story to teach real life lessons in a way that is engaging, funny and relatable. Like all the best self-improvement books, it’s packed full of practical steps you can start taking to secure your financial independence. And while the book is about women, I encourage everyone to get a copy.
Check out the book’s website for all available purchase options.

By Dale Carnegie
A timeless classic, this book was originally published in 1936, yet so many of the principles taught hold true till today.
As the name implies, the book teaches various strategies to help anyone learn how to manage and relate with people better. It’s a great primer on the fundamentals of networking, relationship building and influence, and contains guidance for both social and professional situations. As with all learning, it’s important to review regularly and *take action*. The author advises as much in the book. Definitely a keeper.