
Hello! Welcome to my blog.

My name is Amaka, and I’m so excited to have you join me here! I’m a finance professional by day, aspiring Beyonce backup dancer by night. I enjoy creating things and absolutely love DIY projects, and my face tends to get embarrassingly wet (must be the humidity) anytime I watch a movie with a remotely emotional scene.

I started this blog because I believe that we all have a story to tell. Each one of us is gifted with a unique set of experiences, perspectives and interests. I am very passionate about seeing people live their absolute best, authentic lives, and I hope that by sharing my journey, we can all grow, learn and figure this life thing out together.

I will be blogging about various things that interest me: business, personal development, resources I’ve found useful, random musings and life in general. Feel free to hit me up with any comments, suggestions, questions and thoughts in the comments section, or using the details on my contact page.

Again, welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy the journey!

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